How to monitor the Performance of AEM instance using JVisualVM

Statement : How to monitor the performance of AEM instance through Jconsole or JvisualVM

      - Make sure Java SDK/JRE 1.6/1.7/1.8 installed
      - Make sure AEM instance is up and Running.

      - For windows system , open the CMD prompt.
      - Type Jconsole or Jvisualvm or Visualvm for this example have used- Jvisualvm command

After this you can select other options, including Monitor:

- Perform GC and Heap dump
- Monitor CPU, heap usage
- Monitor Live and Daemon threads.

- Take threaddump for any analysis
- Shows LIve and Daemon threads
- Shows running, Sleeping, wait,Park and Monitor.

- Perfrom CPU and Memory Sampling
- Perform GC and Heap dump
- Can take snapshots

- Within the local application as shown above,Double click       on
- the Overview will be shown default.

CRX/DE console doesn't show node-tree in the AEM 6.2 for the run mode - Author, CRX3 and samplecontent

Issue: CRX/DE light console doesn't show nodetree

- Run mode for Author instance as follows:


- Post the installation of Author instance in crx/de console shows nothing in the tree-node, refer the below screenshot.

- Go to the http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
- Search for Apache Sling DavEx Servlet
- Root path shows only /Server as shown in the below screenshot.

- Change root path from /server to /crx/server and save it.

- Go back to the /crx/de console , You will be able to see the node-tree as shown below.

How to turn any workflow model to “transient" Model

How to turn any workflow model to Transient model:

Step1: Go to the below URL

Step2: Open any workflow model for eaxmaple - DAM Update asset.

Step3: Click on the page tab--> properties of Sidekick.

Step4: Check the enable Transient workflow under Basic tab.

Step5: Click on Ok. That's It!. as shown below

- Do not enable this option if user interested to see the run time data.

Advantages of Transient workflow:

  • Run-time Data related to any intermediate workflow steps will not be persisted into the JCR.
  • Of course the output of renditions/workflows will be persisted.
  • Lesser repository growth. 
  • Lesser/no more Workflow Purge
  • lesser tar file campact
  • increase in performance.

Note: Applicable for AEM 6.1/6.2/6.3/6.4