Deserialization Firewall Attach API Readiness: VM Class could not be found
using resolvers:
Deserialization Firewall Attach API Readiness: Deserialization firewall was
not able to detect the VirtualMachine class of the Attach API. Please see
error log for nested exception details. This usually happens when running a
JRE (instead of a JDK) or a JVM that doesn't provide the Attach API. Please
review the AEM Java Deserialization Firewall documentation for how to load
the deserialization agent via JVM command line arguments.
Deserialization Firewall Functional: Deserialization of org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InvokerTransformer
should have failed, however it was successful
Deserialization Firewall Functional: Deserialization firewall is not blocking
test classes. Your system may be vulnerable to remote deserialization execution.
Please review system log and deserialization agent documentation for more
Deserialization Firewall Loaded: Deserialization firewall is not loaded. Your
system may be vulnerable to remote deserialization execution. Please review
system log and deserialization agent documentation for more information.
WARN CQ Dispatcher
Configuration: Unable to check the dispatcher's basic configuration because
its address is not specified.
Manager Config: Minification is not enabled.
WARN CRXDE Support: The
com.adobe.granite.crx-explorer bundle is active.
WARN CRXDE Support: The
com.adobe.granite.crxde-lite bundle is active.
WARN CRXDE Support: [You
can disable the CRX Development Bundles in the administration
WARN CRXDE Support: [See
Disable CRXDE Support in the security
WARN DavEx Health Check:
The SlingDavExServlet is NOT configured.
WARN DavEx Health Check:
[The SlingDavExServlet should be configured on instances running in
samplecontent mode.]( )
WARN DavEx Health Check:
[Check the section about the Sling DavEx bundle and servlet in the security
WARN Default Login
Accounts: Login as [admin: admin] succeeded, was expected to fail.
WARN Default Login
Accounts: The default OSGI console credentials were not changed. It is
strongly recommended to change them.
WARN Default Login
Accounts: [You can change the OSGI admin password via the configuration of
the Apache Felix OSGI Management
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [we.retail.commons.content].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [we.retail.config].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [we.retail.ui.apps].
WARN Example Content
Packages: Example content package installation found based on group
[adobe/aem6/sample]): [we.retail.ui.content].
WARN Example Content
Packages: [10 example content packages installed.]( )
WARN Replication and
Transport Users: Transport user is admin for replication agent
WARN Replication and
Transport Users: Transport user is admin for replication agent [Default
WARN Replication and
Transport Users: Transport user is admin for replication agent [Reverse
Replication Agent].
INFO Replication and
Transport Users: [You can change the transport user by editing the agent
settings in the Replication page.](/etc/replication.html)
WARN Replication and
Transport Users: [Replication agents should not use the default 'admin' as a
transport user.]( )
WARN Sling Get Servlet: The
default XML renderer is enabled.
WARN Sling Java Script
Handler: The Sling Java Script Handler generates debug information. The
system might be exposed if used as a publish environment.
WARN Sling Jsp Script
Handler: The Sling JSP Script Handler generates debug information. The system
might be exposed if used as a publish environment.
WARN Sling Jsp Script
Handler: The Sling JSP Script Handler generates mapped content. The system
might be exposed if used as a publish environment.
WARN Sling Referrer Filter:
The Sling Referrer Filter allows empty or missing referrers. The system might
be exposed to CSRF attacks.
WARN Sling Referrer Filter:
[Check Issues with Cross-Site Request Forgery in the security
WARN SSL Configuration: SSL
was configured, but we failed connecting to the HTTPS port (strict SSL mode,
your certificate may be self-signed). ERROR:
PKIX path building failed: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target
WARN WCM Filters
Configuration: The WCM Filter is in edit mode. It is recommended to disable
it on production environments.
WARN WCM Filters
Configuration: The WCM Debug Filter configuration has not been changed. It is
recommended to change the default configuration for a production environment.
WARN WebDAV Health Check:
The SimpleWebDavServlet is NOT configured.
WARN WebDAV Health Check:
[Check the section about the Sling WebDAV bundle and servlet in the security
WARN Web Server
Configuration: The URL of the website served by the server is not configured.