Showing posts with label MVN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MVN. Show all posts

MVN not recognized as an internal or external command.

Statement - MVN not recognized as an internal or external command.

Environment :
                     - JRE 1.8
                     - Maven 3.5.3
                     - Windows 8.1 

Solution :
Step1 :
v  Install the JRE/SDK 1.8
v  Create the system Variable : (Right click on My Computer à Properties à Advanced system settings àSystem Properties window will get displayed àUnder Advanced à Environment VariablesàSystem VariableàNewàEnter the Variable name and Variable value)
o    Variable name = JAVA_HOME
o    Value =  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65(path depends on the drive in which java installed)
v  add the JAVA_HOME variable path in the system PATH variable
§  PATH = %JAVA_HOMOE%\bin
v  Go to the command prompt and validate the JDK version c:\java – version it must show the JDK version.
v  That’s it! ,Java installation is done successfully.
v  Install the Maven software
v  Create the system Variable : (Right click on My Computer à Properties à Advanced system settings àSystem Properties window will get displayed àUnder Advanced à Environment VariablesàSystem VariableàNewàEnter the Variable name and Variable value)
o    Variable name = MAVEN_HOME
o    Variable Value =  D:\Maven_3_5_3\apache-maven-3.5.3-bin\apache-maven-3.5.3 (path depends on the drive in which maven installed)
v  add the MAVEN_HOME variable path in the system PATH variable
v  Go to the command prompt and validate the Maven version c:\mvn – version it must show the MVN version.
v  That’s it!,  Maven installation is done successfully.
Observation – M2_HOME variable doesn’t work for the JRE 1.8 for windows 8.1, MAVEN_HOME variable only works!.