Showing posts with label CRX corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRX corruption. Show all posts

SegmentNotFoundException observed in the AEM log file

Statement : SegmentNotFoundException Exceptions.

Environment :

           - AEM 6.3

Cause :  Might be due to long running JCR sessions along with online compaction.

Solution :

Avoid keeping JCR sessions open for a long time.  To resolve the issue:
  1. Close the session and open a new one when required.
  2. Or periodically call session.refresh(true).

Fix Inconsistencies by restarting AEM when SegmentNotFound Issue is reported in AEM 6.3

The SegmentNotFound Exceptions in the AEM 6.3 Log

Observed SegmentNotFound Exceptions in the logs. Due to some older issues in Oak or some inconsistencies in the repository, a segment can go missing and repository might be inconsistent.
                For example:

*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] [] The activate method has thrown an exception (org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.SegmentNotFoundException: Segment da5bcb95-d00a-4c04-a9d9-0f10f2b14e5e not found)

*ERROR* [pool-6-thread-3] Exception during job execution of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.AsyncIndexUpdate@1dc173f9 : Segment e669f30b-e886-4b7a-b161-56432601ec6b not found
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.SegmentNotFoundException: Segment e669f30b-e886-4b7a-b161-56432601ec6b not found

Environment : AEM 6.0,6.1,6.2

Solution :
     Run consistency check on the repository and find the last good revision [healthy state] and revert back to it. Please do the following:
Step 1: Download a version of oak-run that matches your oak core version from
§  To revert a corrupt segment store to its latest good state change into CQ's working directory (the one containing the crx-quickstartfolder) and backup all files in ./crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/.
Step 2: Run the consistency check:
o   java -Xmx6000m -jar oak-run-*.jar check -d1 -p /path/to/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore
o   This searches backwards through the revisions until it finds a consistent one:
Look for message like below:
[main] INFO o.a.j.o.p.s.f.t.ConsistencyChecker - Found latest good revision afdb922d-ba53-4a1b-aa1b-1cb044b535cf:234880

Step 3: Revert the repository to this revision by editing ./crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/journal.log and deleting all lines after the line containing the latest good revision.
Step 4: Remove all ./crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/*.bak files.

Step 5: Run checkpoint clean-up to remove orphaned checkpoints:
§  java -Xmx6000m -jar oak-run-*.jar checkpoints /path/to/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore rm-unreferenced
Step6:   Finally compact the repository:
§  java Xmx6000m -jar oak-run-*.jar compact /path/to/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/

Preventing Repository Corruptions in AEM 5.6/5.4

Preventing Repository Corruptions

§  Add the below line of code to the file
§  CQ_JVM_OPTS ='-Dorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.validatehierarchy=true'