How to reset the Repository ID in AEM

Statement : Assuming you have cluster setup and you are cloning one of the server and starting as a standalone but the repository ID is still pointing to the cluster instance.So how to change the Repository ID to avoid once again clustering of the standalone instance.

Solution :

java -jar oak-run.jar resetclusterid crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore

      where - Download Oka version based on the Repo version of AEM server

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Thanks for the wonderful article can we run this command
    java -jar oak-run.jar resetclusterid crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore

    when AEM is running or we need to shutdown AEM and then run it and start AEM back? Can you please let us know? Currently in my system I see two reposirotr IDs, if I run above command will it reset it?
