Continuous Integration for AEM in Linux OS

Statement : Continuous Integration for AEM
Solution :
  • Tools used for Continuous Integration for AEM
  1. Jenkins is a Continuous Integration system. It can be configured to work with any version control system, automatically pulling in your latest changes, compiling your source code, running your tests, and deploying your code. It is also commonly integrated with artifact repositories and static code analysis tools. 
  1. SonarQube is a free static code analysis tool that can be leveraged to measure and track code quality and technical debt. 
  1. Nexus OSS is a free repository manager, allowing for the mirroring and storage of your Maven dependencies
Follow the below URL for configuration of CI.


Additional Resources:

where Form posted Data stores in AEM

Statement : Where the data is stored when you have a custom component which accepts user inputs
Solution :
  • Where the data is stored when you have a custom component which accepts user inputs. Let’s use the following as an example:

  • Assume above the form is inside a paragraph system and the radio group is set like the following:

  • So once the user submits the form, the data is generated into CRX at the /content/usergenerated folder. For the example above, it is stored at:

this is how data looks like:

How to add custom Name space in CRX

Statement - add custom namespace in CRX

Solution :

  1. Go to this URL :http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/index.jsp then click on Node type administration option will take you to this URL. http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/nodetypes/index.jsp
  2.  click on namespace main menu item --> it will open up in a new window scroll down to bottom --> Click on new

3. Now add the custom namespace created in above steps 2 to any components properties
 adding custom Blog:demo properties to Breadcrumb component properties as shown in below screenshot.

4. If you do not create custom namespace & just try adding to the component properties you will get the below error.
5. That's It!