Assessing the Upgrade Complexity with the Pattern Detector in AEM through React Text or JSON interface


Pattern Detector scope as below :

Currently Pattern Detector allows to check:
  1. OSGi bundles exports and imports mismatch
  2. Sling resource types and super types (with search-path content overlays) overusages
  3. definitions of Oak indices (compatibility)
  4. VLT packages (overuse)
  5. rep:User nodes compatibility (in context of OAuth configuration)
follow the Reference URL for the pattern detection package instalation and execution.

Performance Optimization tools for AEM

Use case- Perform below the performance optimizations.

  1. - CSS Optimization Test
  2. - CSS Compressor Test
  3. - JS Optimization Test
  4. - JS Compressor Test
  5. - Image Optimization Test
  6. - Cache Optimization Test
  7. - PNG Compressor Test
  8. - JPEG Compressor Test
  9. - HTTP Request Checker
  10. - CSS Sprites Generator
  11. - Gzip compression Test
  12. - Broken Request Test
  13. -  Base 64 encoder
  14. - Line Breaks remover
  15. - Keep Alive Cehcker
  16. - HTTP Header Checker

Solution :

Page speed tools.

Use the below tools to improve your page speed.

CSS Optimization Test
Test how well the CSS delivery of your web page is optimized and learn how to improve the delivery.

CSS Compressor
Automatically compress your CSS scripts and files into a much smaller size. Minimizing the file size improves page speed.

Javascript Optimization Test
Check how you can improve the Javascript delivery by running this test.

Javascript Compressor
Compress your Javascripts by improving and removing bad and unnecessary code. Supports file uploads as well.

GZIP Compression Test
Check whether your website has GZIP enabled and how well it compresses your web files.

Image Optimization Test
Test the image delivery to learn what you can do to optimize the usage of your images for page speed.

PNG Compressor
Minify the file size of PNG images to speed up page load times.

JPEG Compressor
Compress JPEG images to the smallest size to improve page speed.

CSS Sprites Generator
Combine and save multiple images into one to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Caching Test
Check whether your files are cached or not and by which method.

Broken Requests Test
Check your web page for broken links, images, scripts, etc.. so you can remove these requests from your web pages.

HTTP Requests Checker
Check how many (and which type of) HTTP requests your web page makes. Reduce requests to improve page load times.

B Base64 Encoder
Encode web files into a Base64 string to reduce the amount of HTTP requests made by your web pages.

Line Breaks Remover
Remove line breaks and unnecessary whitespace to minify web documents and reduce the file size.

Keep-Alive Checker
Test whether your website has keep-alive enabled so you can enable it if it isn't.

HTTP Header Checker
Check the HTTP server header of your site.

Repository restructuring in AEM 6.4

Repository restructuring in AEM 6.4
  • AEM product code will always be placed in /libs, which must not be overwritten by custom code
  • Custom code should be placed in /apps, /content, and /conf

Related image

Starting from AEM 6.4 (see content repository is to be reorganised prior to 6.5, and finally in 6.5 most probably will follow the rule as below:
  1. /etc should not be used (probably to be removed)
  2. any application code, clientlibs should be located under /apps
  3. any runtime data to be under /var or /content folder, 
  4. while the configurations should be rather under /conf
The groovy console should have its own content structure to be reorganised as follows:
  1. /etc/clientlibs/groovyconsole should rather go to /apps/groovyconsole/clientlibs
  2. /etc/groovyconsole to /apps/groovyconsole
  3. /etc/groovyconsole/scripts should go to /conf/groovyconsole/scripts or /var/groovyconsole/scripts
  4. /etc/groovyconsole/jcr:content/audit should to to /var/groovyconsole/audit