Adobe Search & Promote integration with AEM

To call the Adobe Search&Promote service from your website, perform the following tasks:
  1. Specify the URL of the Cloud.
  2. Configure the connection to the Search&Promote service.
  3. Add Search&Promote components to Sidekick.
  4. Use the components to author the content. (See Adding Search&Promote Features to a Web Page.)
  5. Add banners to your pages. Banner images are sensitive to Search&Promote data.
  6. Generate a site map for the Search&Promote service to consume.
If you are using Search&Promote with a custom proxy configuration, you need to configure both HTTP Client proxy configurations as some functionalities of AEM are using the 3.x APIs and some others the 4.x APIs:

Changing the Search&Promote service URL

The default URL that is configured for the Search&Promote service is To use a different service, use the OSGi console to specify a different URL.
  1. Open the OSGi console and click the Configuration tab. (http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr.)
  2. Click the Day CQ Search&Promote Configuration item.
  3. Enter the URL in the Remote Server URI box, and click Save.

Configuring the connection to Search&Promote

Configure one or more connections to Search&Promote so that your web pages can interact with the service. To connect, you need the member identification and account number of your Search&Promote account.
  1. From the Tools icon > Deployment, select Cloud Services.
    This takes you to the Cloud Services Dashboard. If on a local machine, the url of the dashboard will look something like this:
  2. In the Cloud Services page, click on the Adobe Search&Promote link or the Search&Promote icon.
  3. If this is the first time you are configuring Adobe Search&Promote, click Configure Now to open the Create Configuration panel.
    If you would like to learn more about Search&Promote click Learn More instead.
  4. Enter a Title that is recognizable to page authors, and enter a unique Name, then click Create.
    The Edit Component window opens.

    Also, the newly created Configuration appears below Available Configurations on the Cloud Services dashboardAdobe Search&Promote list item.
  5. Add the following to the fields in the Edit Component dialog box.
    • Member ID
    • Account number
    In order to get this information yourself, first you need to log into 
    using your valid Seach&Promote credentials (email/password).
    Then, you need to look at your url in your brouser's address bar which should look something like this:
    • XXXXXXXX corresponds with your Member id
    • spYYYYYYYY corresponds with your Account Number
  6. Click Connect To Search&Promote.
    When the connection success message appears, click OK.
    (After connecting, the button text changes to Re-Connect To Search&Promote.)
  7. Click OK. The Search&Promote Settings page appears for the configuration that you have just created.

Configuring the Data Center

If your Search&Promote account is in Asia or Europe, you need to change the default data center so it points to the right one (the default data center is for North American accounts).
To configure the data center:
  1. Navigate to the Web console at http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/
  2. Depending on the location of the server, change the URI to one of the following:
  3. Click Save.

Adding Search&Promote components to Sidekick

In Design mode, edit a par component to allow the Search&Promote components in Sidekick. (See the Componentsdocumentation for more information.)
For information about using the components, see See Adding Search&Promote Features to a Web Page.)

Specifying the Search&Promote service that your pages use

Configure web pages so that they use a specific Search&Promote service. Search&Promote components automatically use the service of their host page.
When you configure the Search&Promote properties for a page, all child pages inherit the settings. If required, you can configure child pages to override the inherited settings.
The service connection must already be configured. (See Configure the connection to Search&Promote.)
  1. Open the Page Properties dialog box. For example, on the Websites page, right-click the page and click Properties.
  2. Click the Cloud Services tab.
  3. To disable the inheritance of cloud services configurations from a parent page, click the padlock icon next to the inheritance path.
  4. Click Add Service, select Adobe Search&Promote, and click OK.
  5. Select the connection configuration for your Search&Promote account, and then click OK.

Product Feed

 The Search&Promote integration allows you to:
  • use the eCommerce API, independently of the underlying repository structure and commerce platform.
  • leverage the Index Connector feature of Search&Promote to provide a product feed in XML format.
  • leverage the Remote Control feature of Search&Promote to perform on-demand or scheduled requests of the product feed
  • feed generation for different Search&Promote accounts, configured as cloud services configurations.
For more information, read Product Feed.

Adobe classifications Exports

Adobe Classifications exports classifications data to Adobe Analytics in a scheduled manner. The exporter is an implementation of a com.adobe.cq.scheduled.exporter.Exporter.
To configure this:
    • Navigate via Tools, Cloudservices to the Adobe Analytics section.
    • Add a new configuration . You will see that the Adobe Analytics Classifications Configuration template displays below the Adobe Analytics Framework configuration. Supply a Title and Name as required:
    1. Click Create to configure the settings.
      Properties include the following:
      EnabledSelect Yes to enable the Adobe Classifications settings.
      Overwrite on conflictSelect Yes to overwrite any data collisions. By default, this is set to No.
      Delete processedIf set to Yes, deletes processed nodes after they are exported. The default is False.
      Export job descriptionEnter a description for the Adobe Classifications job.
      Notification E-mailEnter an email address for Adobe Classifications notification.
      Report SuiteEnter the Report suite to run the import job for.
      Data SetEnter the dataset relation ID to run the import job for.
      TransformerFrom the drop-down menu, select a transformer implementation.
      Data SourceNavigate to the path for the data container.
      Export ScheduleSelect the schedule for the export. The default is every 30 minutes.
    2. Click OK to save your settings.

    Modifying Page Size

    Records are processed in pages. By default, Adobe Classifications creates pages with a page size of 1000.
    A page may be 25000 in size at maximum, per definition in Adobe Classifications and can be modified from the Felix console. During the export, Adobe Classifications locks the source node to prevent concurrent modifications. The node is unlocked after export, on error, or when the session is closed.
    To change the page size:
      • Navigate to the OSGI console at http://:/system/console/configMgr and select Adobe AEM Classifications Exporter.
      • Update the Export Page Size as required, then click Save.
      1. SAINTDefaultTransformer
      Adobe Classifications was previously known as the SAINT Exporter.
      An Exporter may use a Transformer to transform the export data to a specific format. For Adobe Classifications, a subinterface SAINTTransformer implementing the Transformer interface has been provided. This interface is used to restrict the data type to String[] which is used by the SAINT API and to have a marker interface to find such services for selection.
      In the default implementation SAINTDefaultTransformer, the child resources of the exporter source are treated as records with property names as keys and property values as values. The Key column is added automatically as first column - its value will be the node name. Namespaced properties (containing :) are disregarded.
      Node structure:
      • id-classification [nt:unstructured]
        • 1 [nt:unstructured]
          • Product = My Product Name (String)
          • Price = 120.90 (String)
          • Size = M (String)
          • Color = black (String)
          • Color^Code = 101 (String)
      SAINT Header & Record:
      1My Product Name120.90Mblack101
      Properties include the following:
      Property pathDescription
      transformerA class name of a SAINTTransformer implementation
      emailNotification e-mail address.
      reportsuitesReport suite IDs to run the import job for. 
      datasetDataset relation ID to run the import job for. 
      descriptionJob description.  
      overwriteFlag to overwrite data collisions. Default is false.
      checkdivisionsFlag to check report suites for compatibility. Default is true.
      deleteprocessedFlag to delete the processed nodes after export. Default is false.
      Automating Adobe Classifications Export
      You can create your own workflow, so that any new imports launch the workflow to create the appropriate, and correctly structured, data in /var/export/ so that it can be exported to Adobe Classifications.

      Campaign Management in AEM

      • Campaign management provides digital marketers the opportunity to deliver personalized content and so create dedicated experiences for visitors.
      • It allows you to orchestrate your marketing campaigns across the web, email and mobile services and so engage your visitors.
      • You can create content, segment visitors, push and promote targeted content for specific user profiles and manage campaigns across multiple channels.
      This article describes the various elements that make up campaigns. More detailed information is available in the following documents:
      • Teasers and Strategies
      • E-mail Marketing
      • Landing Pages
      • Target offers
      • Working with the Marketing Campaign Manager
      • Understanding Segmentation
      • Setting up your campaign
      Campaign management is made up of various elements:
      • Brands
        In AEM, brands are the top level unit and form a collection of Campaigns.
      • Campaigns
        A campaign is a collection of individual Experiences.
      • Experiences
        The focused content forms the various experiences, presented to the visitor at Touchpoints. There are several types of experience available:
        • Teasers
          Teaser Pages / Paragraphs are used to steer specific visitor Segments to content that is focused on their interests.
          Teaser pages can:
          • present a range of options for the visitor to choose from
          • show only one teaser paragraph that is based on the specific visitor segment; for example, the teaser paragraph shown may be dependent on the age of the visitor.
          Typically a teaser page is a temporary action that will last for a specific period of time, until it is replaced by the next teaser page.
        • Newsletters
          E-mail Communications are used to engage users and encourage them to visit your web site. These usually take the form of a newsletter, sent to your Leads (which are usually grouped into Lists). Note: Adobe is not planning to further enhance this capability. Recommendation is to leverage Adobe Campaign and the integration to AEM.
        • Adobe Target
          This allows integration with Adobe Target (formerly Test&Target) which gives marketers a conversion website optimization tool with the necessary capabilities to continually make their online content and offers more relevant to their customers—yielding greater conversion.
        • Adobe Target provides an intuitive interface for designing and executing tests, creating audience segments and targeting content—all from a single application.
      • Touchpoints
        These are the points of contact between the visitor and your campaign. The touchpoints are connected to the experiences that you have created.
        For example, for teasers it is the content page where the teaser paragraph is located, for a newsletter it is the mailing list.
      • Leads
        The information that you have collected about your visitors and how to contact them forms the basis for your leads. Note: Adobe is not planning to further enhance this capability.
        Recommendation is to leverage Adobe Campaign and the integration to AEM.
      • Lists
        Leads are usually grouped into lists so that you can take collective action on them. Note: Note: Adobe is not planning to further enhance this capability.
        Recommendation is to leverage Adobe Campaign and the integration to AEM.
      • Segments
        Site visitors have different interests and objectives when they come to a site. Analyzing this according to factors such as activity on the website, profile information registered and activity on other websites, helps you to define segments. Content can then be specifically targeted to the visitor's needs and interests according to the segment(s) they match.
      • MCM
        The Marketing Campaign Manager (MCM) is a console that allows you to access all the functionality you need to create and control your campaigns, brands, experiences, touchpoints, leads, lists, segments and reports.
        It can be accessed from various locations (labelled as Campaigns), or with, for example, the URL: