Basics of AEM

Nice article on Basics of AEM :

Reference :

Building Block of AEM or Basics of AEM

Solution :

Building Blocks Of AEM

  1. Persistence: Apache Jackrabbit Oak
  2. HTTP Request Processing: Apache Sling
  3. Dynamic Library Management: Apache Felix 
  4. Adobe Granite (Enterprise version of Oak, Sling, Felix, some more feature) used to be called CRX. It is infact OSGI wrapper of CRX
  5. Authoring Experience: ExtJS, CoralUI, JQuery, Handle Bar
  6. Publishing Experience: Any Framework

Apache Sling:

  1. REST Based Web Framework for HTTP request processing
  2. It uses JCR for content repository to store content
  3. Uses Apache felix for dynamic module management
  4. Support for Scripting (JSP, ECMA, Scala)
  5. Building Block for resource resolution within AEM
  6. Provide API for Servlet Support, Scheduler, Event Handling (Both Synchronous and non synchronous), Discovery (For Load distribution), Resource CRUD operations (READ, DELETE, CREATE, UPDATE), Sling Models, Thread pools, JMX, Sling Mock, Sling Adapt, XSS
Apache sling script resolution understanding- 
  • Http request --> 
  • content resolution -->
  • Get resource type -->
  • script location -->
  • script name-->
  • Script -->
  • include options.

Apache Felix
  1. One of the implementation of OSGI framework
  2. Provides web based console for managing Dependency and configuration.
  3. Provide services like (All based on OSGI Specification) 
    1. Dependency Manager
    2. HTTP service (For servlet,filter, resource registration, This run within Jetty for AEM6)
    3. Maven Bundle and SCR Plugin
    4. Event Admin (Bundle based Event)
    5. Config Admin
    6. OSGI Bundle repository 
    7. Logger
    8. File Install

Adobe Granite / CRX
  1. Enterprise version of Content Repository
  2. Based on Apache Sling / Felix / JCR
  3. Provide following additional features
    1. Package Manager
    2. Additional persistence Plug in (Tar, Oracle, MySQL, DB2)
    3. UI for all JCR operations including version management, node type management, user management
    4. CRXDE light code code management
    5. Repository Backup and Clustering Support
    6. Replication
    7. LDAP Support 
    8. Operation support (Tar optimization)
Adobe AEM / CQ
  1. Enterprise product for Web Content Management
  2. Build on top of CRX / Granite Platform
  3. Provide following features apart from CRX
    1. Authoring UI (Template and component management)
    2. Digital Asset Management
    3. Personalization
    4. Mobile Module
    5. Ecommerce module
    6. Plugin feature with Adobe Cloud services for all web related task (AB testing, Analytics etc)
    7. SOCO (Social Collaboration Module)
    8. Tagging 
    9. Report and Monitoring 
    10. Additional Features ...
    11. Scalability (Sharding)
    12. Availability (Replication)
    13. Disaster Recovery (DR, Replication)
    14. Monitoring (JMX)
    15. Build (Maven, Gradel)
    16. Deployment (Any deployment Tool)
    17. Templating (Slightly)
    18. Portal Management (OOTB)
    19. AEM provide you platform to create, manage, and optimize digital customer experiences across every channel, including web, mobile apps, digital forms, and communities. With the ability to deliver next-generation experiences across both online and in-person interactions, you can increase demand and build lasting brand loyalty.
    20. Originally created by Day Software. First version of CQ was released in 2002
Apache Jackrabbit
  1. Implementation of JCR Spec JSR-283
  2. Stateless, sessionless, JSON model
  3. Provide feature like Node Type Management, Query, versioning, Observation, Security (ACL, Authentication, Authorization), Locking
  4. MVCC (MultiVersion Concurrency Control) model
  5. Jackrabbit Architecture 
  6. Microkernal API
  7. Oak API org.apache.jackrabbit.oak
  8. JCR API javax.jcr and all existing API

How to find out the no of pages ,site URL,Size of page and SEO details of any site.


Always refer the sitemap file any website to find out the no of pages
        Online Tools for Broken link checker count :


        Online tools to check page size and SEO details.

        Online tools to list the page URL

       Online tools to check the Internal and External links

  • This Link Count Checker tool is very easy to use. You only need to enter the URL in the text field and then click on the “Check” button. Our system uses a unique algorithm that will process your request and will generate the result in an instant. The results will show you the following information:

      • Total links
      • Internal links
      • External links
      • Nofollow link
      • Dofollow links

  1. Total links – is the total number of internal and external links that a website has. There are website links count checker tools that will also specify the number of duplicate links and empty anchors.
  2. Internal links - are link pages that can be found on a website. They are commonly linked through the website menu or by interlinks.
  3. External links – are the links to other websites or also known as partner websites. The higher the number of external links that a website has the better for search engine optimization. But, all links should be with relevant and reliable websites and not spam sites.
  4. Nofollow link - are typically shown in red as they indicate threat. The extent of threat that they have to a website is still debatable. Still, you must avoid nofollow links. Popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are automatically No-follow.
  5. Dofollow link – are links that allow Google and other search engines to follow them and reach your website. This is link is beneficial for the website because it can help you get a good page ranking on search engines.
  6. There are some website links count checker tools that can also identify the anchor text which is linking your website to another site. This can help you in analyzing the text to create more Dofollow links.