Solution :
- Navigate to the Tools console http://localhost:4502/misccadmin# and select Versioning and double-click Purge Versions.
- Set the start path of the content to be purged (e.g. /content/geometrixx-outdoors).
b. If you want to purge the node defined by your path and its descendants select Recursive.
- Set the maximum number of versions (for each node) that you want to keep. Leave empty to not use this setting.
- Set the maximun version age in days (for each node) that you want to keep. Leave empty to not use this setting.
- Click Dry Run to preview what the purge process would do.
- Click Purge to launch the process.
- Caution:
- Purged nodes can not be reverted without restoring the repository. You should take care of your configuration, so we recommend you to always perform a dry run before purging.