AEM_What is the average number of Live Copies per month

Solution :

To determine the total number of Live Copies made since installation use a repository query; via CRXDE - Tools - Query:
  • Type XPath
  • Path /
  • Query //element(*, cq:LiveSyncConfig)
Again use the number of months that have elapsed since installation to calculate the average.

MSM, what is the average number of rollouts per month

Solution :

To determine the total number of rollouts since installation use a repository query; via CRXDE - Tools - Query:
  • Type XPath
  • Path /
  • Query //element(*, cq:AuditEvent)[@cq:type='PageRolledOut']
Calculate the number of months that have elapsed since installation to calculate the average.

AEM_Find the no of pages

Solution :

To see the number of pages currently on the server use a repository query; via CRXDE - Tools - Query:
Xpath Query:
  • Type XPath
  • Path /
  • Query //element(*, cq:Page)
Query Builder API query :