AEM_What is the average number of page activations per day

Solution :

To see the total number of page activations since server installation use a repository query; via CRXDE - Tools - Query:
            Type XPath
             Path /
             Query //element(*, cq:AuditEvent)[@cq:type='Activate']

or Same results can be achieved with Quey Builder API

AEM-How many requests per hour do you have on the author or publish system at peak time

Solution :    
      For Author

To determine the total number of requests on Author since installation use the command line:

cd dir>/crx-quickstart/logs
grep -R "\->" request.log | wc -l

 To determine the start and end dates:

vim request.log
G / 1G: for the last/first lines
  • Use these values to calculate the number of hours that have elapsed
  • since installation, then the average number of requests per hour.
For Publisher :
  • How many requests per hour do you have on the publish system at peak time
                cd dir>/crx-quickstart/logs
grep -R "\->" request.log | wc -l

 To determine the start and end dates:

vim request.log
G / 1G: for the last/first lines

AEM-How to find how many authors are working with the system

Statement : find the no of authors

Solution :

Find out the no of  authors that have used the system since installation
  • cd dir>/crx-quickstart/logs
  • cut -d " " -f 3 access.log | sort -u | wc -l

Find out the number of authors working on a given date:

grep "" access.log | cut -d " " -f 3 | sort -u | wc -l