AEM6.3_How to find out the number of processor

Statement - How to find out the No of processor on which AEM server is installed

Solution :

1. Find out the no of processor on which AEM server was installed this help to configure the apache sling job queue configuration based on the processor number , half of processor number is allocated for the maximum parallel jobs.
2. Go to this path http://localhost:4502/system/console/vmstat and look for the number of processor.

Statement - How to generate Heapdump or run Garbage collection through Felix console

Environment - AEM 6.3
                        JRE 1.8

Solution :

Steps to Generate the Manual Heap Dump/run garbage collector

  1. Go to this path - http://localhost:4502/system/console/memoryusage
  2. Click on the dump heap to generate the dump manually
  3. Click on the run garbage collector to run the GC manually 
  4. Also you can observe Pending Finalizable Objects waiting for the GC to run

Steps to Generate the Auto Heap Dump

  1. Define the Automatic Heap Dump Threshold (%) to 80% (based on the need)- enter the value 80 and click on set threshold
  2. define the Automatic Heap Dump Interval (s) to 3600(1 hr)- Enter the value 3600 and click on set interval.
  3. That's it whenever heap memory shoots up to 80% , auto heapdump will be generated. same can be seen in the location parallel to CRX-quickstart

AEM6.3_Perfromance tuning tips