Statement : Use mod_security and mod_evasive Modules to Secure Apache
Environment : Apache webserver
Mod_security :
§ It
will act as Firewall for web application and allow to monitor the traffic on
real time basis
§ It
also protects the website or web server from brute force attacks
§ Install
the Mod_security directive
Install mod_security on Ubuntu/Debian
o $
sudo apt-get install libapache2-modsecurity
o $
sudo a2enmod mod-security
o $
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload
Install mod_security on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/
o #
yum install mod_security
o #
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
§ It
handle the DoS
§ it
handles the DDoS atatcks
§ It
handles the Brute force attacks
§ This
module detects three atatcks
o If
Multiple requests comes to a same page in a few times per second.
o If
child process creates more than 50 concurrent requests.
o If
temporarily blacklisted IP is trying to make new requests