Running Adobe Experience Manager on AWS

MVN not recognized as an internal or external command.

Statement - MVN not recognized as an internal or external command.

Environment :
                     - JRE 1.8
                     - Maven 3.5.3
                     - Windows 8.1 

Solution :
Step1 :
v  Install the JRE/SDK 1.8
v  Create the system Variable : (Right click on My Computer à Properties à Advanced system settings àSystem Properties window will get displayed àUnder Advanced à Environment VariablesàSystem VariableàNewàEnter the Variable name and Variable value)
o    Variable name = JAVA_HOME
o    Value =  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65(path depends on the drive in which java installed)
v  add the JAVA_HOME variable path in the system PATH variable
§  PATH = %JAVA_HOMOE%\bin
v  Go to the command prompt and validate the JDK version c:\java – version it must show the JDK version.
v  That’s it! ,Java installation is done successfully.
v  Install the Maven software
v  Create the system Variable : (Right click on My Computer à Properties à Advanced system settings àSystem Properties window will get displayed àUnder Advanced à Environment VariablesàSystem VariableàNewàEnter the Variable name and Variable value)
o    Variable name = MAVEN_HOME
o    Variable Value =  D:\Maven_3_5_3\apache-maven-3.5.3-bin\apache-maven-3.5.3 (path depends on the drive in which maven installed)
v  add the MAVEN_HOME variable path in the system PATH variable
v  Go to the command prompt and validate the Maven version c:\mvn – version it must show the MVN version.
v  That’s it!,  Maven installation is done successfully.
Observation – M2_HOME variable doesn’t work for the JRE 1.8 for windows 8.1, MAVEN_HOME variable only works!.

AEM 6.3 Frequently used URLs

Statement - AEM 6.3 Frequently used URLs

Environment :
                       - AEM 6.3
                       -  Port 4502
Assuming AEM server is running on port 4502.

Osgi Console:
  1. Felix console
  2. Felix Bundles
  3. Felix Configmanager
Touch UI console for maintenance & Performance tuning
  1. Touch UI console
Touch UI Diagnosis of AEM Repositry
  1. Index Manager console
  2. Log Monitoring
  3. Query Performance
  4. Request Performance
  5. Heap dump download
  6. Thread dump download
  7. User Sync(replciation ..etc) daignostics
  8. Download OSGI config status
Touch UI Daily maintenance Activities
  1. Version Purge and 
  2. Revision cleanup
  3. Workflow Archive
  4. Workflow failures
Touch UI Weekly Maintenance Activities:
  1. Data store Garbage colelction
  2. Workflow purge
  3. Audit log purge
Touch UI Monitoring of Memory, Disk and Repository Usage
  1. Disk Usage Monitoring(Identify the Repo size & usable Disk space)
  2. Repository Statistics(No of events, No of active Sessions and Queue Length)
  3. Memory Usage statistics(Heap used, No heap used & code cache used)
AEM Touch UI Health Reports:
Touch UI AEM workflow consoles
AEM Touch UI Secuirty console

  1. Users
  2. Groups
  3. Oauth CLients
  4. Permissions

AEM Touch UI  General consoles

  1. CRXDE lite
  2. Search forms
  3. Tagging
  4. configuration Browser
  5. Templates
  6. components
  7. Translation configuration

AEM Touch UI Deployment consoles

  1. Offloading
  2. Packages
  3. package share
  4. Replication
  5. Distribution
  6. Topology
  7. Cloud services

Classic UI CRXDE console:
  1. CRXDE ligh console
  2. Package_Manager console
Classic UI console:
  1. Siteadmin console
  2. Assets console
  3. Inbox console
  4. Campaign console
  5. User console
  6. Tools console
  7. Tagging console
Miscellaneous admin classic console
  1. Author Replication agents
  2. Tree Activation
  3. Reports
  4. Self Service configuration(mail account creation,password reset mail confirmation email id setup)
  5. Segmentation
  6. Task Management
  7. Versioning
  8. Workflow
  9. MSM
  10. Designs
  11. MSM- Blueprints
JMX console:
  1. JMX
  2. Repository Backup/optimization/cluster/index/inconsistencycheck/GC
Web Console :
  1. Memory Usage
  2. System_information
Main Console list:
  1. Token Manager
  2. Crypto_support
  3. Disk_Benchmark
  4. Profiler
  5. Repository_check
  6. Product_Info
AEM status console:
  1. Bundle_list
  2. Logs_Status
  3. Repository Status
  4. Available Script Engines
  5. Sling_Metrics
  6. JSP Taglibs
  7. JAAS-Login Modules
  8. Status_info_collector
  9. Configration_status
Note: Change the Host and Port number based on your server