Dispatcher Flush Agents Configuration for Publish server in AEM

 Dispatcher Flush Agents Configuration for Publish server

SL .No
Dispatcher Flush Configuration in Publishers
Step: 1
Go to the URL  of http://localhost1:4503/miscadmin publisher instances
Step: 2
Go to Replication->Agents on publish->Dispatcher Flush->Edit->Transport
Step: 3
Provide the IP address of webserver to the URL

Step: 4
Submit on OK and Test the Connection by link Test Connection.
Follow the Step 1 to Step 4 to configure for other publisher instances

Performance tuning in AEM

Open Apache Sling JSP Script Handler bundle

Open the configuration manager

Use http://:/system/console/configMgr.
§  Unselect the  Debug Info
§  Unselect the  Generated Java
§  Unselect the  Mapped Content
§  Unselect the  Source Fragment

Open Apache Sling Java Script Handler do following change

§  Disable Generate Debug Info

Open CQ WCM Debug Filter has to be disabled on the production AEM instances

§  Disable the WCM Debug filter

Open the DAY CQ HTML Library Manager –do following changes

§  Enable Minify
§  Enable Gzip
§  Disable debug
§  Disable timing

Preventing Repository Corruptions in AEM 5.6/5.4

Preventing Repository Corruptions

§  Add the below line of code to the start.sh file
§  CQ_JVM_OPTS ='-Dorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.validatehierarchy=true'