Enable Minify Option to Compress CSS and JS file before rendering

Use the belwo details:

Go to this URL: http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
  •  Enable the Minify Option (check the checkbox)

Uninstalling Default geometrics site in AEM

Statement : How to uninstall Default Geometrix site and set the homepage path

Step: 1
Once the instance is set up the geometrics sites will be present by default. Uninstall the geometrics related sites by uninstalling the “cq-geometrixx-all-pkg”.
Step: 2
To uninstall any package, click admin where we will be able to see the window as shown below.
Step: 3
Click on Uninstall to uninstall the package.
Step: 6
By default the content pages will be redirected to the default geometrixx login page once timed out. So the following configuration changes are to be done.
Step: 7
As shown below, under properties the target value by default would be “geo.html” which as to be changed to application specific home page i.e “Test/homepahe.html” in order to redirect to the site landing page.
Go to CRXDE light àselect contentàset two properties as show below
1.    Properties of sling:resourceType
Type=string and
value is sling:redirect
Set Properties
2.    sling: target

Where testàis the root content hierarchy name and homepage.html is homepage for the new website

Disabling AEM/CQ external link checker

Disabling CQ external link checker

Step: 1
Go to below url àinput the username and password for the production publisher

Search for Day CQ link Checker Transformer and unselect the Disable checking
Finally click on save.
Step: 4
Similarly This needs to be disabled on publishers also.