How to take online repository backup and perform the DatastoreGC and revisionGC for AEM 6.3

Statement : Online repository backup

Solution :

  • In the below Screenshot highlighted section shows repository Backup is in Progress.

  • How to restore the repository post backup

  • Status of restore

  • How to startDatastoreGC to retrieve BLOB reference

  • Full GC run

  • Full GC log

  • How to start Revision GC

  • How to initiate PropertyIndexAsync re-indexing
  • Status of all repository Managment

  • How to refresh all open sessions

Statement : Full Garbage collection for BLOBGarage

Solution :

  • Go to the JMX console : http://localhost:4502/system/comsole/jmx
  • Search for BLOBGarbagecollection and open it.
  • Click on startBlobGC(boolean markOnly) or startBlobGC(boolean markOnlyboolean forceBlobIdRetrieve and click on invoke enter the value as true to retirve the BLOB ids for reference
As shown in below screenshot 

  • Now run the Full Garbage collection as shown in below.

What is the repository Backup Sequence in AEM

Statement : Backup Sequence should be followed

Solution :

  •      Optionally execute DataStore GC
  •      Ensure that DataStore GC does not run between the NodeStore and DataStore backup
  •      Backup NodeStore

o   If S3 and asynchronous uploads enabled then wait for all uploads to finish
o   Check the DataStore cache stats Mbean to confirm all uploads finished
  •      Backup DataStore

o   If FDS then copied to an appropriate location
o   If S3 then either enable versioning for auto backups on blob change or backup to a lower cost storage like Amazon Glacier