How to Troubleshooting –Rapid DataStore growth in AEM 6.3

Statement : Rapid Datastore grwoth

Solution :

Possible Reasons:
  •      No DataStore GC for a while
  •       Lucene indexes stored in the DataStore may cause repository growth disproportionate to the content

o   Enhancement in AEM 6.4 for active deletion of unused lucene blobs. With regularly scheduled deletes during the day the repository growth would be under check because of lucene blobs.

  • Ensure that DataStore GC is enabled and run weekly
  • Can also increase DataStore GC frequency (say bi-weekly) and schedule during off peak hours for periods when large number of uploads requested
  • Ensure that revision clean-up enabled and working

Why GC takes too long time to finish in AEM6.3

Statement : Why GC takes too long time to finish

Solution :
Possible Reasons
  •          Large repository size – GC performance proportional to repository/datastore size
  •         DataStore GC executed for the first time or after a long gap

  •          GC has info level logs for each phase and it is easy to identify the phase taking the longest time.
  •          Empirically, deletions could take the maximum time even spilling over 24 hours if large number of blobs to be deleted

  •       Regular DataStore GC

o   Mark phase (collection of blob references used) can affect general repository performance critically so, should be scheduled during off-peak hours
o   Sweep phase should not critically affect system performance so, Ok to have it continue if it spill over to normal working hours

How to Troubleshoot Missing Blobs in AEM

Statement : How to Troubleshoot Missing Blobs

Solution :