statement :
How to Improve AEM Workflow Throughput after change in hardware size upgrade.
step 1 tuning : http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr and search for Apache Sling Job Thread Pool
PID is The default value is 35.
Raise this default value to higher number say 65.
Step 2 tuning : navigate to /system/console/slingevent and search for Max Parallel attribute of Job Queue
- Edit the [Job Queue Configuration] for [Granite Workflow Queue],
- Edit the job queue [Granite Transient Workflow Queue],
- [Granite Workflow External Process Job Queue] or
- Edit the job queue of any other job queue of type ‘Topic Round Robin’ that is relevant to your workload.
- Increase the value for ‘Max Parallel’. The default value is usually 0.5 (half the number of vCPUs of your instance).
to find out the numbe of processor of your instace: http://localhost:4502/system/console/vmstat
based on the no of processor, default value to be changed to the half the number of processor if processor value is 4 then Max parallel value would be 2.