Use- MySQL server setup
Solution :
Downlaod the commmunity server and workbench from below URL:
1) Install MySQL Community Server - zip file
2) Install MySQL workbench. - You can install the workbench using a zip file or an msi installer (recommended)
1. Installation of MySQL community Server
- Extarct the Zip file
- Navigate to the Bin folder of MySQL and Type cmd in explorer
- key in c:\
\bin\mysqld --initialize --console and it will generate the temporary password and make a note of it. - Start the Server : c:\
\bin\mysqld --console and make a note of port number i.e 3306 (deafult port) - Install workBench and Open the database connection to connect the server , key in some name for connection, port number , password to connect.
- Once it's connect to server, ask for password change.
- That's it!.
Reference :
Start the "Server"
The MySQL is a client-server system. The database is run as a server application. Users access the database server via a client program, locally or remotely thru the network, as illustrated:
- The server program is called "
" (with a suffix'd'
, which stands for daemon - a daemon is a non-interactive process running in the background). - The client program is called "
" (without the'd'
The programs
and mysql
are kept in the "bin
" sub-directory of the MySQL installed directory.Start a "Client"
For Windows
Start Another NEW CMD shell to run the client (You need to keep the CMD that run the server):
-- Change the current directory to MySQL's binary directory.
-- Assume that the MySQL is installed in "c:\myWebProject\mysql".
cd \myWebProject\mysql\bin
-- Start a client as superuser "root" (-u), and prompt for password (-p)
mysql -u root -p
Enter password: // Enter the root's password set during installation.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 8.0.xx
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
-- Client started. The prompt changes to "mysql>".
-- You can now issue SQL commands such as SELECT, INSERT and DELETE.
Startup Server
For Windows
To start the database server, launch a new CMD shell:
-- Change the current directory to MySQL's binary directory
-- Assume that the MySQL installed directory is "c:\myWebProject\mysql"
cd \myWebProject\mysql\bin
-- Start the MySQL Database Server
mysqld --console
XXXXXX XX:XX:XX [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '8.0.xx' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Note: The
option directs the output messages to the console. Without this option, you will see a blank screen.Shutdown Server
For Windows
The quickest way to shut down the database server is to press Ctrl-C to initiate a normal shutdown. DO NOT KILL the server via the window's CLOSE button.
Observe these messages from the MySQL server console:
XXXXXX XX:XX:XX [Note] mysqld: Normal shutdown
XXXXXX XX:XX:XX InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
XXXXXX XX:XX:XX InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 44233
XXXXXX XX:XX:XX [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete
(You may need to press ENTER to get the command prompt?!)
Changing the Password for "root"
Let's continue with our client session started earlier.
-- Change password for 'root'@'localhost'. Replace xxxx with your chosen password
-- (For macOS, there is no need to change the password, but there is no harm trying it out)
-- (For my students: use xxxx as the password. Otherwise, you will ask me what is your password next week.)
-- Take note that strings are to be enclosed by a pair of single-quotes in MySQL.
mysql> alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'xxxx';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
-- logout and terminate the client program
mysql> quit
Re-Start a Client as "root" with the New Password
We have just changed the password for
and exited the client. Start a client and login as root
again. Enter the password when prompted.
For Windows
-- Change directory to MySQL's binary directory
cd \myWebProject\mysql\bin
-- Start a MySQL client
mysql -u root -p
Enter password: // Enter the NEW password
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.
-- client started, ready to issue SQL command
Summary of Frequently-Used Commands
(For Windows) Starting MySQL Server and Client
-- Start the Server
cd path-to-mysql-bin
mysqld --console
-- Shutdown the Server
-- Start a Client
cd path-to-mysql-bin
mysql -u username -p
(For Mac OS X) Starting MySQL Server and Client
-- Start/shutdown the Server:
-- Use Graphical Control
-- Start a Client
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
./mysql -u username -p
Frequently-used MySQL Commands
MySQL commands are NOT case sensitive.
-- General
; -- Sends command to server for processing (or \g)
\c -- Cancels (aborts) the current command
-- Database-level
DROP DATABASE databaseName; -- Deletes the database
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS databaseName; -- Deletes only if it exists
CREATE DATABASE databaseName; -- Creates a new database
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS databaseName; -- Creates only if it does not exists
SHOW DATABASES; -- Shows all databases in this server
-- Set default database.
-- Otherwise you need to use the fully-qualified name, in the form
-- of "databaseName.tableName", to refer to a table.
USE databaseName
-- Table-level
DROP TABLE tableName;
CREATE TABLE tableName (column1Definition, column2Definition, ...);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tableName (column1Definition, column2Definition, ...);
SHOW TABLES; -- Shows all the tables in the default database
DESCRIBE tableName; -- Describes the columns for the table
DESC tableName; -- Same as above
-- Record-level (CURD - create, update, read, delete)
INSERT INTO tableName VALUES (column1Value, column2Value,...);
INSERT INTO tableName (column1Name, ..., columnNName)
VALUES (column1Value, ..., columnNValue);
DELETE FROM tableName WHERE criteria;
UPDATE tableName SET columnName = expression WHERE criteria;
SELECT column1Name, column2Name, ... FROM tableName
WHERE criteria
ORDER BY columnAName ASC|DESC, columnBName ASC|DESC, ...;
-- Running a script of MySQL statements
SOURCE full-Path-Filename
Reference URL: